Saturday, January 26, 2013

~~Big Bang~~

Please don't infer that this post is about the Big Bang Theory because I seriously wouldn't talk about science with you great viewers on my blog! :D

Anyway, this post is another K-Pop post! LOL! I think you would be bored about reading so much post about my obsession with K-Pop, but I'm kinda sure you love to see these posts as much as I do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have actually talked about the band Big Bang before on the blog but I haven't officially introduced them to you on my blog! :D

LOL! Anyway, Big Bang is a really famous group, and I am not obsessed with but I do like they're songs! :D 

As usual I will show you a photo of all the members, and then I will show you a photo of they're names :D :

I think both photos depict them kinda weird but whatever! :D

They're voices are amazing, especially my favorite, G Dragons. I love his song Crayon, which I will post soon! :D

Anyway, if you want a music video you can go to my post "Fantastic Baby", and I'll find my favorite song of them later, because right now I have to go to Chinatown with my family! :D

Have a great day! 


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