Saturday, January 26, 2013

BtoB ~~ Irresistible Lips ~~

OMG!!! I love this Music Video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The music video is like a mini movie!! :D <3

P.S. I think almost all K-Pop songs are about love......................

OMG!!!!!!!! I watched this music video like so many times this week!!!!! <3


Vanessa said...

OMG~~~~ This video is SO EXCITING!!! I LOVE THAT GUY THAT THEY SHOWED IN THE VERY BEGINNING! Is he actually the one that you have a picture of him making those squirrel cheek? :) HE'S SO CUTE~ ^___^

[Your-Name-Here] said...

Yep he's Minhyuk!! Doesn't he look adorable?????????

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